Plenary speakers

Judit Moschkovich (USA)  

Judit Moschkovich (USA) is Professor of mathematics education at the University of California Santa Cruz. Her research uses sociocultural approaches to study mathematical thinking and learning, mathematical discourse, and mathematics learners who are bilingual and/or learning English. Her work has been published in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Educational Studies in Mathematics, the Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, the Journal of the Learning Sciences, and Cognition & Instruction.

She served as member on the Consensus Committee Supporting English Learners in STEM Subjects, National Academies of Sciences, Division of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education (2016-2019). She was named a 2018 Fellow of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and received their 2019 Distinguished Scholar Award in the Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education.

Deonarain Brijlall

Deonarain Brijlall (SA) is a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the Durban University of Technology. He holds a PhD in Mathematics (Topology) and B Ed (Hons) degree. He began his career as a Mathematics and Physical Science high school teacher. Six years later he joined Springfield College of Education and lectured to aspiring pre-service teachers. Ten years later he joined the University of KwaZulu-Natal as a lecturer in the Education Faculty. He has over 70 journal publications in national and international journals. He has also supervised ten doctoral students and 15 masters' students.

Deonarain is involved with research and publications of papers in point-free topology and mathematics education. His special focus is Transformational Educational Studies engaging with research activities involved in the learning and teaching of mathematics in higher education. Within these domains of research he has employed conceptual frameworks of Shulman's model for teacher knowledge, Ball et al.'s levels of pedagogical content knowledge, Kilpatrick's conceptual framework for mathematical reasoning and APOS theory. He serves on editorial boards of four international journals. He has been awarded in the top ten researcher of the institution for 2015 and 2018.

Jayaluxmi Naidoo (SA)

Jayaluxmi Naidoo (SA) completed her B.Ed. (Hons) in 2004 at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and an M.Phil. in 2006 at the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). She completed her PhD at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in 2010. Originally trained as a mathematics and physical science teacher, she is currently a senior lecturer of Mathematics Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

She has received the UKZN emerging researcher award (2012), and also the SANPAD (2009) and Canon Collins Educational Trust scholarships (2005). In 2018 she received the Top 10 Most Published Women Researcher award from the College of Humanities, UKZN. Her research interests include the use of technology in mathematics education, visualisation in mathematics, issues of social justice and mathematics education, the use of pedagogic strategies to improve teaching and learning of mathematics, indigenous knowledge systems and mathematics education, mathematics teacher training and development. Dr Naidoo is currently working on a NRF-funded project: Exploring technology based pedagogic tools for teaching mathematics/mathematics education within Higher Education.

Noluntu Baart (SA)  

Noluntu Baart (SA) began her professional career in Mathematics Education as a teacher at Limekhaya High School in 1995 until 2007. She then joined the Department of Basic Education (Eastern Cape) as a Senior Education Specialist for Intermediate and Senior Phases Mathematics in the Nelson Mandela Metro Education District where she is responsible for Clusters: Tinara 1-5 and Algoa 1 & 2. Noluntu is responsible for supporting and monitoring grades four to nine Mathematics teachers in the Nelson Mandela Metro Education District.

Noluntu is currently completing her Masters' degree in Mathematics Education at Rhodes University. The title of her dissertation is Investigating grade six learners changing number sense and procedural fluency after participating in afterschool mathematics clubs.

Zurab Janelidze (SA)  

Zurab Janelidze (SA) is the 2019 SAMS (South African Mathematical Society) speaker.

Zurab is a Professor of Mathematics at Stellenbosch University. He joined the university in 2009 as a Lecturer, four years after the family moved from Georgia to South Africa following the appointment of his father, George Janelidze, as a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cape Town. Being strongly influenced by his father's mathematical interests, his scientific work lies in the field of Category Theory. At Stellenbosch University, he led introduction of Foundations of Abstract Mathematics modules for mathematical enrichment of undergraduate students.

Zurab serves on the editorial boards of Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques and Applied Categorical Structures, which are among the leading international journals in his field. He has strong passion for teaching and a few creative hobbies that include drawing and musical composition.