Publications > Learning and Teaching Mathematics > Archive > LTM 17
 Learning and Teaching Mathematics
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Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 17, December 2014

  1. From the Editors.  Duncan Samson, Marcus Bizony & Lindiwe Tshabalala
  2. "I've got it!" - A Card Game for Developing Number Sense and Fluency.  Debbie Stott
  3. Reciprocals, Equal Areas and Inverse Functions.  Duncan Samson
  4. Anyone for Tennis or Volleyball?.  Graeme Evans
  5. Average Gradient between Two Points on a Curve.  Alan Christison
  6. Conjecturing, Refuting and Proving within the Context of Dynamic Geometry.  Michael de Villiers & Nic Heideman
  7. The Magic of "Whole Tens".  Dorit Patkin & Ronit Bassan-Cincinatus
  8. Investigating Cubic Functions Using GeoGebra Dynamic Geometry Software.  Deepak Mavani & Beena Mavani
  9. The Relationship between Quadratic Equations and their First Difference Equation  Ashley Ah Goo
  10. Exploring Mental Computation Strategies.  Kwethemba Michael Moyo & Duncan Samson
  11. Alternative Quadratic Formula.  Moses L Makobe

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