
Panel 1: Is mathematics pre-service teacher education delivering?

Hamsa Venkat  

Hamsa Venkat (Chair) is SA Numeracy Chair at the University of the Witwatersrand, focused on a research and development project in primary mathematics. The Numeracy Chair work involves research, and the development and trialing of research-based interventions across ten government primary schools in Gauteng.


Nick Taylor is former CEO of JET, and Head of the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit (NEEDU). Nick is well known as a writer and researcher in the fields of education policy, school effectiveness and school improvement.


Batseba Mofolo-Mbokane is a lecturer in the Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education at the University of Pretoria.


Vimolan Muday is senior lecturer in Mathematics Education in the School of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Vimolan is the current Chairperson of AMESA in KZN.


Panel 2: Is the new CAPS curriculum delivering?

Nico Govender

Vasuthavan Govender (Chair) is Deputy Chief Education Specialist (Mathematics & Science) in the Port Elizabeth District of the Eastern Cape Department of Education. He serves on the AMESA Curriculum Committee and is Chairperson of the SAMF Advisory Committee on Mathematics.


Werner Olivier is the FRF Chair in Mathematics Education at the NMMU and head of the Govan Mbeki Mathematics Development Unit in the Science Faculty of this university. His work mainly centers around research and development of practical techno-blended teaching and learning and scaffolding support models for mathematics in secondary schools.


Giel du Toit is currently subject adviser for Mathematics in the Pixley-ka-Seme district in the Northern Cape. He is intensely involved with the implementation of CAPS.


Rajendran Govender is a senior lecturer in the School of Science and Mathematics Education Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of the Western Cape. He serves on the AMESA Curriculum Committee and he represents AMESA on the SAMF Advisory Committee on Mathematics.