Theme:  Demystifying Mathematics

The challenge we face when working with learners of all ages is to make our subject interesting, even exciting and fun. So why do teachers the world over have a problem with getting learners to enjoy their mathematics class? Along with science, it is deemed to be difficult and the knock on effect of these 'turned-off' children jeopardises our ability to overcome the multitude of engineering and scientific challenges we face that will ensure that future life on earth continues in a safe and prosperous manner. Mathematics has been the poor relation in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) quartet, yet it is the subject that offers entry into a huge range of diverse careers.

Human beings have all kinds of irrational fears and anxieties about everyday objects and situations that include spiders and snakes, heights and enclosed spaces, aeroplanes, needles and of course, mathematics! Mathematics anxiety may be very common, just going by the number of adults who freely admit to hating mathematics or being bad at it. This dislike of mathematics may be a real phobia that probably begins at a very early age. But we know mathematics is not difficult. It is however often explained in ways that are difficult to understand and learners often wonder what is the practical application of the topic we have just done? It may help if we can bring mathematics to life and show where the topic is used outside the classroom.

If this approach is taken we will make this 'difficult' subject more enjoyable and therefore a learner's whole educational experience more positive from an early age.