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 ISSN:  1012-2346
 eISSN: 2223-7895

Pythagoras serves as an academic and professional forum for the presentation and critical discussion of current research and developments in Mathematics Education in South Africa and internationally. Pythagoras publishes original papers that significantly contribute to our understanding of mathematics teaching, learning and curriculum, including reports of research, critical analyses of mathematics curricular and teacher development initiatives, theoretical analyses, and commentaries on issues relating to the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels of education..

Pythagoras is a peer-reviewed journal, accredited by the SA Department of Higher Education and Training.

A paper edition of Pythagoras is published once a year and distributed to all members of AMESA.

Pythagoras is now published online Open Access at

Pythagoras is also available online to subscribers and AMESA members through Sabinet's African Journals platform at
To access the journal online, paid-up members may request the necessary login details by e-mail from the AMESA secretariat - .

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