Plenary panel discussions

The Plenary Panel Discussions promote incisive debate on topical issues in the mathematics education field with invited key players who can open up insights that are valuable for the community to engage with and question.

Panel 1: Is mathematics pre-service teacher education delivering?

Chair: Hamsa Venkat
Panellists:  Nick Taylor, Batseba Mofolo-Mbokane, Vimolan Mudaly

In a context of ongoing low mathematical performance at all phases of schooling, there is increasingly critical commentary on what pre-service mathematics teacher education is doing to improve mathematics teaching. Critiques raise questions about course content, sequence and emphases. Should pre-service teacher education deal with curriculum-driven mathematical content or focus on more advanced level mathematical content?

Hamsa Venkat

What constitutes a balance between content and methodology? What is the nature of content-related teaching in programmes - should the emphasis be on re-learning school mathematics at the relevant level or on 'mathematical knowledge for teaching' (the nature of mathematical arguments, selection of exemplars of key ideas, skillful selection and explanation of representations and rationales, etc.)?

Panel 2: Is the new CAPS curriculum delivering?

Chair: Vasuthavan Govender
Panellists:  Werner Olivier, Giel du Toit, Rajen Govender

Is the prescription of content, sequence and pace in CAPS enhancing or constraining teaching and learning?
Nico Govender