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Pythagoras Vol. 32 No. 2, December 2011

  1. The interplay of language and mathematics
    Dorit Patkin

  2. An instrumental approach to modelling the derivative in Sketchpad
    Mdutshekelwa Ndlovu, Dirk Wessels, Michael de Villiers

  3. A model to identify mathematics topics in MXit lingo to provide tutors quick access to supporting documentation
    Laurie Butgereit, Reinhardt A. Botha

  4. Opportunities and challenges for statistics education in South Africa
    Temesgen Zewotir, Delia North

  5. Albanian students' motives for preferring certain real-life situations for learning mathematicse
    Suela Kacerja

  6. Counting on Frank: Using bibliotherapy in mathematics teaching to prevent de-geniusing
    Joseph M. Furner, Cheryl Kenney

  7. Acknowledgment to reviewers
    Editorial Office

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