Publications > Learning and Teaching Mathematics > Submissions
 Learning and Teaching Mathematics
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Submission guidelines

Learning and Teaching Mathematics aims to provide a medium for stimulating and challenging ideas, offering innovation and practice in all aspects of mathematics teaching and learning. It seeks to inform, enlighten, stimulate, correct, entertain and encourage. Its emphasis is on addressing the challenges that arise in the learning and teaching of mathematics at all levels of education. While this journal "listens" to research and considers it in the activities, lesson ideas, teaching strategies that it publishes, it does not publish conventional research reports ; rather it presents articles that describe or discuss mathematics teaching and learning from the perspective of the practitioner.

The types of articles considered for publication in Learning and Teaching Mathematics include:
  • Ideas for teaching and learning: articles in this section report on classroom activities and good ideas for teaching various mathematics topics. This includes worksheets, activities, investigations, etc.
  • Letters to the editors: discussion pieces that raise important issues on the teaching and learning of mathematics and current curriculum innovations, including views and news on current initiatives.
  • Kids say and do the darndest things: personal anecdotes of something mathematical that has happened in a classroom.
  • A day in the life of ... includes stories about a head of department, a mathematics teacher, an NGO worker etc.; it could also be an account of a visit to another mathematics classroom... another school... another country...
  • Reviews: reviews of mathematics books, school mathematics textbooks, videos and movies, resources including apparatus and technology, etc.
  • Webviews: reviews of mathematics education related websites.
  • Help wanted is a question and answer column: teachers can send their questions on teaching specific topics or aspects to this column for fellow colleagues in the AMESA community to respond to.
The Editorial Board will review all articles submitted, ensuring that the articles make a contribution to the improvement of mathematics learning and teaching; that the mathematics presented is correct, and that the language and layout used is user friendly. The main criterion of acceptance is that the article should make a contribution to the improvement of the quality of the teaching and learning of Mathematics in South Africa.

Articles should not exceed 3 000 words and must be written in English. Articles as short as 300 words are also accepted and of course for several of the above categories it may be even shorter.

Articles should include the title, author's name, institution and a full postal address, e-mail and contact telephone numbers of the author.

Submissions for Learning and Teaching Mathematics in Word compatible form should be sent by e-mail to  .

Alternatively post or fax your submission to:

The Editor
Duncan Samson
St. Andrew's College
P.O. Box 182
6140 South Africa

Tel: 046 603 2300
Fax: 046 603 2381

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